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Super ‘Well
‘Well, ‘Well, Super ‘Well | ‘Well, ‘Well, Super ‘Well | ‘Well, ‘Well, Super ‘Well | Super Motherwell |
Since I Was young
Since I Was Young | I Followed On | Motherwell FC | The Team For Me! | OOOOHHHHH OOOOHHHH OOOOHHHHH |
Pride of Lanarkshire
We’re the pride of Lanarkshire | We’re the pride of Lanarkshire |
Wherever You May Be
We are the Motherwell FC | We hate the Hearts and we hate Dundee | We will go wherever you may be | Cause we are the boys of the MFC |
We Were there
When the ‘Well, | Went Up, | To lift the Scottish Cup, | We were there, we were there |
Motherwell Motherwell Motherwell
Motherwell Motherwell Motherwell | Motherwell Motherwell Motherwe-ell | Motherwell Motherwell Motherwell | Motherwe-ell Mother-well |
We Love You ‘Well
We love you ‘Well, We do | We love you ‘Well, We do | We love you ‘Well, We do | Oh Motherwell we love you! |
Buckfast & Well Fans
Oh Motherwell–is wonderful | Oh Motherwell is wonderful | Its full of Buckfast and ‘well fans | Oh Motherwell is wonderful |
Copeland Road
As I was walking down the copeland Road | I heard a mighty Clamour | For the boys in Blue | Got f****d 5-2 | By the boys in claret and amber. |
Fir Park Terraces
From the sloping fir park terraces | To the playing field so green | There’s eleven stalwart warriors | They’re the best you’ve ever seen | Ooh they may not be league champions |
You make me happy
You are my ‘Well | My only ‘Well | You make me happy | When skies are grey | You’ll know never just | How much I love you | So please don’t take my Motherwell away |
Joe Wark Knew my Father
Joe Wark Knew my Father | My Father Knew Joe Wark |
The Fir Park Terracing
From the slopes of the Fir Park terracing | onto it’s playing fields so green; | There’s eleven stalwart warriors, | the best you’ve ever seen. | Tho’ they may not be league champions | Or not even runner’s up | They have humbled mighty Sassenachs | in the old Texaco Cup. | For they halted Stoke’s endeavour, | in a hard and bitter fight; | Then they thrashed the Spurs of Tottenham, | on a cold November night; | So applaud those gallant warriors | with a loud triumphant yell; | And always speak in reverance, | on the mighty Motherwell. | Then bring on Wolves or Derry | As it matters not at all; | For the answer to each one of them, | has the writing on the wall. | And we the staunch supporters, | are always proud to tell; | Of the wonderful achievements of | the mighty Motherwell. |
Up The ‘Well
We’re the boys from the ‘Well | And We’re doing very well | You will find us at Fir Park | The home of foo-ootball | Of the Steelmen we are proud | Shout their praises long and loud | We will follow them wherever they may go | Chorus | Up the ‘Well we will shout | As the Gers and Celts we rout | We’ve the spirit and the skill | To set them reeling | Claret & Amber colours true, | Far ahead of green & blue | They’ll remember Motherwell | For many a day | Fae the tap o’ the toon | Tae the Cross and further down, | You can hear the roar that greets | You through the tunnel | Then the ref his whistle blows, | And the more the volume grows, | As we hail the Scottish team | That beats them all. | Chorus | You may travel far and wide, | Watch the Thistle or the Clyde, | Or the Hearts and Hibs | At Easter Road in combat, | But we’d cross both sea and surf, | just to view the Fir Park turf, | Or to cheer the Steelmen | On to victory | Chorus |